The design and manufacture of flexible printed circuit boards are never the same as before. With the rising demand for sophisticated electronic products, there has been a drastic change in the way rigid flex circuit boards are produced. There are several new innovations happening time and again, leading to the production of rigid flex printed circuit boards that guarantee better performance. We, at Rigiflex Technology, Inc., is at the forefront in all such innovations and major breakthroughs. We constantly learn and bring in flex circuit board with proven features. Our range of 14 layer rigid-flex pcb with thermo forming is also the result of several trials, experiments and hard work.
Distortion of RF signals is one of the main challenges in the wireless systems that are fitted with flexible circuit boards. This is due to the fact that wiring in these PCBs receive artificial signals, thereby acting as antennae. As the demand for compact, well-protected, and powerful systems is on rise, at Rigiflex, we provide PCBs with thermoformed shields that help minimize noise distortion, and ensure long-term performance. These shields are created using thermoforming technique. To accommodate shielding cans, our designers are grouping several components together.
As a leading flexible printed circuit board manufacturer, we keep quality as the top most priority. Due to our unwavering commitment to provide the finest products, we use only quality materials in the production of 14 layer rigid-flex pcb with thermo forming boards. The materials we use include FR4 (Tg – 135C, 145C, 170C), Rogers Ultralam 2000, RO4350, RO4003, Polyimide, Teflon, Black FR4, Arlon AR350, Nelco 4013, Metal Core Materials. The stiffeners used in its manufacturing include Thermo Set and PSA Based Aluminum, FR4, Stainless Steel and Polymide. 14 layer rigid-flex PCB with thermo forming boards can be surface treated utilizing the best of the methods as required by the customers, which helps add to their service life and resistance to outdoor extremities.
We being an experienced rigid printed circuit board manufacturer, own cutting-edge manufacturing facility, advanced equipment/systems, and right people that unitedly work to meet your project objectives. If you would like to know more about the technical capabilities of Rigiflex related to 14 layer rigid-flex PCB with thermo forming, please contact us at the earliest. We will work together throughout the production process, which in turn helps to manufacture the right rigid flex PCBs as specified earlier.